AP Central for Education Professionals | College Board AP World History Scoring Guidelines from the Exam Administration Author: College Board Subject: AP World History Scoring Guidelines from the Exam Administration Keywords: Created Date: 7/3/ PM The document-based question (DBQ) directly addresses Curriculum Framework Key Concept (Science and the Environment). The Influenza Pandemic is specifically identified as one of the illustrative examples in Section III (Disease, scientific innovations, and conflict led to demographic shifts). Students were asked to analyze the varied
AP World History: Modern Exam - AP Central | College Board
Updated April 8 Students can now download the digital testing application and take digital practice to prepare them for the testing experience. See below for more information on digital practice and taking the digital exam. AP World History: Modern Exams will be offered on paper in early May and as a digital exam in late May and early June. The paper and digital versions of the AP World History: Modern Exam will be full length and cover the full scope of course content, giving students the opportunity to qualify for college credit and placement.
There are differences between the paper and digital versions of some AP Exams, and those variations differ by course. The information below applies to AP World History: Modern only. View a summary of all AP Exam formats. AP Daily and AP Classroom Short, searchable AP Daily videos can be assigned alongside topic questions to help you cover all course content, skills, and task models, and check student understanding.
Unlock personal progress checks so students can demonstrate their knowledge and skills unit by unit and use the progress dashboard to highlight progress and additional areas for support. As the exam approaches, assign AP practice exams in the AP Classroom question bank and encourage students to take advantage of AP Daily: Live Review sessions April 19— Sign In college board ap world history dbq AP Classroom.
Exam questions assess the course concepts and skills outlined in the course framework. For more information, download the AP World History: Modern Course and Exam Description CED. Encourage your students to visit the AP World History: Modern student page for exam information, college board ap world history dbq. Starting April 8, students can try out the test-day experience by answering example questions in the digital testing application.
See the Digital Practice page for general information about practice options. AP World History students will have two options to answer example questions in the digital testing application. Both provide approximately the same time limit per question as the full exam.
Both can be taken multiple times, and can be accessed directly in the digital testing application. Students can access their answers and solution materials MCQ answer key, FRQ scoring guidelines for the Digital Practice. Note: Taking the App Demo after completing Digital Practice may override student answers from Digital Practice. Teachers can also access digital practice from the teacher dashboard, available beginning April More information about taking digital exams is available in the Digital Testing Guide, college board ap world history dbq.
Beginning April 22, AP teachers and AP coordinators will have access to a new digital exam readiness dashboard. Teachers and coordinators will access the dashboard from their personalized AP login page after signing in through AP Central or through myap. The AP World History: Modern Exam has consistent question types, weighting, and scoring guidelines every year, so you and your students know what to expect on exam day.
Note on exams: There are differences between the paper and digital versions of some AP Exams, and those variations differ by course. Both the paper and digital versions of the AP World History: Modern Exam will be full-length and cover the full range of skills and knowledge specified in the course and exam description.
Please note that students will respond to the DBQ and the last two SAQs in the same combined time limit of 1 hour and 40 minutes. Scoring rubrics—general scoring criteria for the document-based and long essay questions, regardless of specific question prompt—are available in the course and exam description CED. Since the exams had to be designed for highly unusual circumstances, these questions were updated, where possible, to best match the format of free-response questions in the course and exam description and on traditional AP Exams, college board ap world history dbq.
Sign in to AP Classroom to access resources including personal progress checks and a question bank with topic questions and practice exams aligned to the current course and exam. To preserve the large number of new FRQs for teacher use, only teachers have access to the FRQs.
If you are a higher education faculty member interested in seeing questions, please fill out this request form. For free-response questions FRQs from the exam, along with scoring information, check out the table below.
Be sure to review the Chief Reader Report. In this invaluable resource, the chief reader of the AP Exam compiles feedback from members of the AP Reading leadership to explain how students performed on the FRQs, summarize typical student errors, and address specific concepts and college board ap world history dbq with which students have struggled the most that year, college board ap world history dbq. Free-Response Questions, college board ap world history dbq.
AP Central. AP WORLD HISTORY: MODERN The Exam. Home The Course Course Audit Classroom Resources The Exam Professional Learning. beginning of content:. Important Updates. Learn more about testing. Exam Overview Exam questions assess the course concepts and skills outlined in the course framework.
Digital Practice and Testing Information Updated April 8 Digital Practice Now Available Starting April 8, students can try out the test-day experience by answering example questions in the digital testing application. Digital Practice has a shortened multiple-choice section 11 questions, 11 minutesa 1-minute pause, and full-length free-response sections. This consists of: 3 short-answer questions SAQs in 40 minutes, a shortened break of 5 minutes, and 1 document-based question DBQ and 2 SAQs in 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Scratch paper is permitted for notes college board ap world history dbq planning, but students cannot handwrite or otherwise upload responses. Please note that students college board ap world history dbq respond to the DBQs and the last 2 SAQs in the same combined time limit of 1 hour and 40 minutes. Students must ensure they have enough time to answer all the questions in that section.
This is equivalent to Section II on the paper exam. On the DBQ, students will view the Documents directly in the exam app. They should click on the tabs on the left side of the college board ap world history dbq, numbered 1 through 7, to view one source at a time.
They may need to scroll down to view the tabs and the complete documents. Students will see them at the beginning of each section, and can access them at any time during the exam.
Please note that the exam timer starts when the directions appear. While students should read the directions, they should be aware that the timer will be running while they do so. Teachers and students can view the full text of the exam and section directions in advance of the exam.
Digital Exam Readiness Dashboard Beginning April 22, AP teachers and AP coordinators will have access to a new digital exam readiness dashboard. Exam Dates. AP World History: Modern Exam—Administration 1 Paper, college board ap world history dbq, In School. AP World History: Modern Exam—Administration 2 Digital, In School and At Home. AP World History: Modern Exam—Administration 3 Digital, In School and At Home. Exam Format The AP World History: Modern Exam has consistent question types, weighting, and scoring guidelines every year, so you and your students know what to expect on exam day.
Students analyze historical texts, interpretations, and evidence. Primary and secondary sources, images, graphs, and maps are included. Questions provide opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know best.
Some questions include texts, images, graphs, college board ap world history dbq, or maps. Students choose between 2 options for the final required short-answer question, each one focusing on a different time period: Question 1 is required, includes 1 secondary source, and focuses on historical developments or processes between the years and Question 2 is required, includes 1 primary source, and focuses on historical developments or processes between the years and Students choose between Question 3 which focuses on historical developments or between the years and and Question 4 which focuses on historical developments or processes between the years and for the last question.
No sources are included for either Question 3 or Question 4. Students answer 3 required questionseach one assessing historical developments or processes between the years and with each one focusing on a different time period: Question 1 includes a primary source text. Question 2 includes a map source. Question 3 includes a primary source image. Students assess these written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical evidence.
Students develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence. The document-based question focuses on topics from to The question choices focus on the same skills and the same reasoning process e. Students answer 2 required questions, each one assessing historical developments or processes between the years and with each one focusing on a different time period: Question 2 includes a source with a data set such as a chart, table, or graph.
Question 3 includes secondary source text. Exam Questions and Scoring Information Scoring rubrics—general scoring criteria for the document-based and long essay questions, regardless of specific question prompt—are available in the course and exam description CED. Past Exam Questions and Scoring Information. Related Site. Past Exam Questions and Scoring Information View free-response questions from and earlier. Score Reporting.
AP Score Reports for Educators Access your score reports, college board ap world history dbq. Scoring Guidelines Chief Reader Report Scoring Statistics. Sample Responses Q1 DBQ Sample Responses Q1 SA Sample Responses Q2 LEQ Sample Responses Q2 SA Sample Responses Q3 LEQ Sample Responses Q3 SA Sample Responses Q4 LEQ Sample Responses Q4 SA.
How to Write a Perfect DBQ
, time: 8:10
AP Central for Education Professionals | College Board AP World History Scoring Guidelines from the Exam Administration Author: College Board Subject: AP World History Scoring Guidelines from the Exam Administration Keywords: Created Date: 7/3/ PM The paper and digital versions of the AP World History: Modern Exam will be full length and cover the full scope of course content, giving students the opportunity to qualify for college credit and placement. There are differences between the paper and digital versions of some AP Exams, and those variations differ by course
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